As the end of summer approaches and schools prepare to welcome students back to our campuses, I would like to wish all of our educational office professionals a successful school year. Take this year and make it a transformational experience to grow your skill-sets. Continual growth not only ensures you are up to date with what employers are looking for in promoting their employees, but your community will also flourish with your ability to provide them with the best customer service.
As always, I would like to cordially welcome you to our website and considering attending our upcoming workshops/activities in the 2024-2025 school year. We are currently accepting new members and anyone interested in working with our Executive Board. This year, we will be focusing on customer service, mental health and providing skills that office professional can use in their daily work to improve their processes.
If you have any specific topics you would like to see as an office professional in future workshops, please send us an email at [email protected].
In other news, our affiliate organization, CAEOP will be hosting their annual conference in Oxnard, CA. This year will be their special 75th Conference and I highly encourage you to attend this conference. Please visit for additional details about this year's conference. We hope to see you there!
Lastly, our organization is grateful for our members and supporters. By participating in networking groups like RCAEOP, I was able to attain new skill sets, network with influential office professionals, and build up my confidence to speak with others. I invite you to join RCAEOP and kick start your career.
Thank you all for your support and continue “Taking it to the Next Level with RCAEOP”
-Juno Fernandez Stevens, RCAEOP President
The latest edition of RCAEOP Connect is now available! Please read it for the latest new for RCAEOP.
Promote professional interest in educational classified positions in the offices of educational institutions in Riverside County and allied groups within the state.
Provide a clearinghouse for administrators and employees for ideas and methods which will result in finer and more efficient services to the schools and the community.
Encourage personal and professional growth, through the Association, by the sharing of ideas and ideals.
Cooperate with administrators, certificated staff and members of other departments of the classified staff to maintain a pleasant working relationship throughout the school districts.
Provide in-service education through local, state, and national conferences.